Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hit Blog-xs

Yet another Asian teams showdown on June 10 , with another interesting twist. A former Justice player was now on the opposing team. The Hit Stix is a new team to the league, and we wanted to make quick work of them. We took advantage of pitcher Jack Swagger. The top half of our lineup (minus Des) were able to sustain an offensive rhythm and score 3-5 runs each inning. Our top 5 hitters (minus Des) hit an average of .783 , 15 hits, 9 rbi’s, and 2 HR!!! Not too shabby....i guess this is why they are on top (minus Des).

Not much to I can remember about this game...maybe it’s just cause I didn’t play enough memory board games as a child and I now suffer from partial amnesia. I sometimes forget that Enoch is in his 20’s, but that might not be a memory problem. I am sure there were a couple of double plays and a drop ball in the outfield (probably not Des though).

Result: 20-7 for Justice ....good thing there was no panda’s that showed up to the game.

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