Friday, May 28, 2010

Justice Vs. Red Rose Legends Game 2

Game 2 Recap:

The game didn't start off as we hoped. Coming off a first game victory, there was a sense of false confidence and we ended up trailing the game by about 3 runs until the bottom of the 6th. We were able to put up runs but the Legends were keeping one step ahead of us with the bats. As the game drew near to the end, enough was enough. Alfie had one too many drinks and his alter ego came out to the give us a boost of energy. It wasn't Bruce Banner....but it was the styling and profiling of The Nature Boy Ric Flair...WOOO!!!! I believe all of Newmarket heard the WOO's of alfie.

With a good lift in spirits, it was time to mount our comeback. Second last inning and down by three. We started a rally with two outs to tie the game. Now with runners on first and second and FC king himself, Ryan, is up. Works the count full, and he jacks it out to put us up by three and end the inning with a mercy. We hold the top of 7th and walk away with a nice win. WOOOOO!!!!

Result: Justice 20 - Red Rose Legends 17

Player of the Game: Ryan Ng for batting batting perfect in both games and smashing the game winner with the "cheater" bat.


  1. Is Ryan the new Randy Orton? or did he just win one battle? I recall him walking a few of the legends in game 2, was he scared or was this part of his psychological game? Make them think they are beating him then he just beats them up harder?

  2. lol...that's a good way to put it. i think it was

  3. One Word bros... WHOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
